Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Wish...

So January is coming to a close and here is my wish:

That those treadmills, elipticals, classes, weight rooms, spinning bikes, climbers, & stability balls all remain full in the gyms around the world!

My wish is that everyone who started 2012 with the goals of losing weight, building self esteem, getting toned will continue to do so throughout the entire year! That means you need to find the motivation to keep going in February. Trust me, in Ohio at this time of year, motivation is at an all time low because we know winter is about to get worse.
It always makes me sad to see the gyms/classes empty because people have given up their "resolutions". I believe I have stated this before...making the decision to be healthy and becoming more active is not just a is a lifestyle change!! If you truely have the desire to make the difference in your body, you can do it!! Only you can make that choice for yourself to becoming a healthier you in 2012!

As a side note...I just wanted to say how proud I am of my Zumba & Drums Alive participants at my current locations for sticking with those programs! I have seen a lot of new faces throughout the month and I do hope to continue seeing them!

As a side note part II...guess who has 2 thumbs and will be taking her Personal Training Cert in March...that's right-THIS GIRL : )
I am super excited and have been studying like crazy...I cannot wait to take this next step!!

Until I write again-Keep Fit and Keep Healthy...make it hurt so good!