Sunday, November 21, 2010

Upset vs. Depression vs. Anger I am not an angry person to any degree's hard for some to even think that I do get angry every once in a while (it really does take a lot of energy to be mad!) But during a conversation with a friend, we brought up the topic of weight loss and motivations for doing so. She had asked what made me want to lose the weight....When I stopped to think about first I thought I was depressed about the situation but then it hit me-I told her that I got ANGRY...not just upset, not depressed, but ANGRY (think the Hulk...well, I guess She-Hulk in this case : ) ) What was I angry at? Myself...the way that I had become so lazy that I had completely let my body and my health get out of shape.

Let's say that you were just upset about your weight gain. Just being upset is not going to make you want to get up and move. You will continue on your path being aware of the mistakes you are making in your health. You will be upset that you missed your time at the gym, but you always tell yourself, "I'll go tomorrow" or "I'll start my diet tomorrow". But does "tomorrow" ever come when you are upset? Nope. ...what does=Being Depressed!

So now you're depressed about your weight gain and the way your body looks. Is depression going to motivate you to do something about it? Once again...nope, you will continue to wallow in self-pity and once again will be thrown into negative eating patterns and usually when you are depressed you do not have any energy, so there goes your workout. The difference between being upset and depressed is that when you're upset you sort of have a drive to lose the weight-you have ideas maybe some goals, when you are depressed, all drive is gone and it's going to take some serious motivation to even get started changing the smallest of habits.

Now getting angry...that is when you get stuff done. I don't know about you, but when I get angry I like to clean and be's sort of the same idea. You just have a feeling in your gut (and no, it's not your tummy's the "motor")that you just have to do something. No joke...this feeling is very difficult to explain. But it's the moment of making it or breaking it=Gut check you have what it takes to change your life or not? It's when you dig in deep and decide that your life is worth it!!! Write some goals down and place them somewhere you can see them...carry them with you. When you feel tempted to slip, check out those goals and see if that slip is worth it...more than likely it won't be. I became so dedicated and disciplined in my eating patterns and workout routines that if I slipped it was not a good day lol. Now being obsessed with working out and eating right is not a good thing (there is such a thing as exercise addiction), but being firm in a healthy routine is a good thing! So dig deep...just don't let your situation bother you, get angry about it and act on it!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Three Smart Exchanges & A Few Get-Slim Choices!

Alrighty, lets take a time out and look at our diets shall we?

I ran across an interesting article about fat and I would like to share the recommendations with you!!

3 Smart Exchanges:

Switch From...

Regular Bacon/Sausage to Turkey Bacon/Sausage or Canadian Bacon...why? Pork bacon is loaded with Saturated Fat...the other two are leaner choices.

My opinion: If cooked the right way, turkey bacon does have a chance (however, I have yet to master the timing on this sister-in-law though has gotten it down!) Now, I love turkey sausage...yes I am going to say it again, I LOVE TURKEY SAUSAGE!! lol! It still has tons of flavor just like its super fatty foe and it has its health advantages without the grease! Canadian Bacon-excellent choice as well, easy to make...recommend!

Switch From...

Stick Margarine to Tub-or Better go to Butter...why? Stick Margarine can have three times the trans fats the tub version does. Butter has no trans fats!

My opinion: I don't like to cook with margarine or butter. I use a light oil cooking spray or olive oil. Now if a recipe just has to have butter/margarine, I stick to the no-salt butter.

Switch From...Premium Ice Cream to Low-Fat...why?

Two scoops of the premiuim kind can have 11 grams of saturated fat-that's about half the amount you should eat for the entire day! Low-fat ice cream can have less than 1 gram.

My opinion: I love ice cream and this really is not a secret to those who know me lol. If you are opting for a low-fat ice cream watch out for sugar content...remember when taking fat out of a food, processors will add "other ingredients" to make it taste better. Just because it says it's low-fat doesn't mean it is better for I said before-Read your labels & be wise!! I stick to premium ice cream but have it in is my treat!

Here are a couple get-slim choices! If you are trying to lose weight...try to add a small amount of fat (healthy fat) to your diet, such as...

Almonds- 1oz(23 nuts)
163 Calories
14g Fat

Walnuts- 1/4 Cup
193 Calories
18g Fat

Avocado- 1/4
57 Calories
5g Fat

Olive Oil- 1 Tablespoon
119 Calories
14g Fat

Peanut Butter-1 Tablespoon
94 Calories
8g Fat

Olives- 8 Jumbo
54 Calories
5g Fat

Sunflower Seeds- 1/4 Cup
186 Calories
16g Fat

Just as a small tip-Add some protein to your breakfast to start the day off right! I am in the habit of cooking scrambled eggs mixed with fresh wilted a side I pass on the toast and grab 1/8 C Almonds mixed with 3 Dried Apricots and a small amount of dried cranberries....YUM!! That's right, I eat eggs!! Eggs have been frowned upon lately, but allow me to reassure you that eggs are not your enemies! If prepared correctly(No butter, milk, or salt added) there are many health advantages to consuming eggs! If you live an active lifestyle (lifting, light toning, cardio, etc) then your muscles will truely love you for the extra protein! : )

Saturday, November 13, 2010

PIP Girls!

Some of my Deerfield ladies and myself after workin' it at our Party In Pink!!!!