Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Quickie from Ali

If you want to achieve something, you don't give up!

I just want to say that I am so proud of my Zumba gals, who push their bodies to the limit each and every week! Keep kickin' it!

If you haven't been to a Zumba class lately, just know that we miss you and can't wait for you to come back!

Friday, April 16, 2010

$6.00 Pizzas and Peanut Butter Shakes...Bring 'em on!!

Just how did I gained my weight? Where did I go wrong? Let's take a look!

Ah...my college days!

My Sophomore year is when I met the love of my life, my husband! I fell instantly for him...it wasn't too hard with those piercing blue eyes! I fell in love with everything about him! After spending some time together we, like all couples do, started to see the things we have in common and loved to do together. Sports, movies, traveling, laughing, and a big one EATING! Oh my we loved, and still do, love food! At Mount, we ate until our heart's were happy and tummies overly full!

Good ol' Papa John's didn't fail us college kids with their $6.00 large pizzas
. When the hubby and I got one (which averaged out to almost 2x's a week) we actually ate the whole thing ourselves in one night, usually after we already ate dinner...4 pieces each which equals out to 1320 calories each! For just one meal!!!! Of course at the time I didn't care because I was having fun! My eating pattern had turned into my hubbies eating pattern and servings! I was eating like a Mount Union Offensive Lineman!!!!!!!!!!!

And it did not stop at Papa John's. Our cafeteria was buffet style, we had everything on hand! Plus there was this cool little cafe called Raider's Cove which our favorite items were Large Peanut Butter Shakes and a Pocket Pizza (Now don't get confused "Pocket Pizza" was not the size of a Hot Pocket...it was a regular sized pizza with a crust on the bottom...filling..and then another crust on top) And yes we would eat the whole thing in one sitting!

There is a place in Alliance, called Doug's Diner...the home of the King Kong Burger...yup just the name itself is enough to get your arteries clogged! Yup, ate those too! And I have to give props to Taco Bell, the grande meal was also perfect for a college student, and when they came out with the crunch wrap supreme, it was perfect for this college student!

I was not very educated in nutrition and calorie intake and the toll too much can have on your body! I thought I was fine because I still played sports and exercised...apparently my appetite outlived my metabolism in college. And allow me to clarify one thing...it is not my husband's fault I gained my weight...in no way do I blame him. It was my own self-control issues!

This eating pattern continued through my Senior year, at college and at home! At the end of my Junior year, I attained a p/t job and I sat for 8-sometimes 16 hr shifts. No exercise + Being an Eating Fiend=Weight Gain.

But here is the funny part, I didn't know I was gaining weight...sure my clothes sizes went up, but for some reason, I was not concerned, I just had fun shopping for clothes. I went from being a size 8 to a size 10 to a size 12 to a size 14 and, yes, I went up to size 16. DOUBLED MY SIZE!!! But my waist line was not the only thing that suffered...I had breakouts, extreme back and shoulder pain, had no energy or motivation. I went in to college at around 145lbs, but the end of my Senior year I was up to 175lbs.

My husband proposed to me on our Graduation Day. During that summer I began shopping for a dress. This is when my weight-gain kind of hit me. I was at a store and I found "the perfect dress" and it was a size 8. My mom asked what size I wore and I told her an 8...she just gave me a look. So I grabbed the dress went to the dressing room, not thinking anything of it. I went to put it on and it wouldn't fit around my thighs, let alone even try to zip the thing up. I walked out almost in tears saying "But my Prom dresses were size 6 and 8...what's going on?"

I ended up squeezing my upper body into a size 10 dress that poofed at the bottom to hide my thighs. I remember jean shopping with my future hubby and trying different sizes on. I tried to fit into a 14 without success, and so settled with a 16...settled. That was one of the first times I was embarrassed. I went and got a gym membership...but was too ashamed to go, so I continued to gain.

I continued to getting ready for the wedding...attending bridal showers, planning and organizing. In my photo album are the pics at one of my bridal showers...these are some of the pics that opened my eyes to my weight gain and unhealthy lifestyle...I received these pics after our wedding.

Up Next: OMG! That's Me?